Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hold My Hand

A little girl and her father were crossing a bridge.
The father was kind of scared so he asked his little daughter, "Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river."
The little girl said, "No, Dad. You hold my hand."
"What's the difference?” Asked the puzzled father.
"There's a big difference." Replied the little girl.
"If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chances are that I may let your hand go. But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, you will never let my hand go."

In any relationship, the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its bond. So hold the hand of the person whom you love rather than expect them to hold yours...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

full of crap

@(>___<)@ everyone makes mistakes...i got too drunk and cheated on my girlfriend and barely remember it, i love her with all my heart and id die for her, but i obviously i hurt her, and even though she is nice to m as she loves me, she treats me like crap sometimes,,,its like you do something little wrong like dont answer your phone or dont listen for a second (we all do it) but she punishes me for what ive done in the past instead of the little thing ive really done. id like to say it has died down but it hasnt, i just try to stick it out and help her to trust me because i love her.
_____ahmad mustaqim_____

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


How can I mourn when I promised you I'd be happy? For the first time i'm breaking my promise ,I miss you; I miss you so much. But I can guarentee you don't miss me...I could tell you anything and everything.. but now, i can't even look you in the eye.... what happened to us? I really think i don't want to live much longer. Is that okay? It's all your fault

Monday, January 24, 2011

wake up....!!!!!!!!!!!

agak2 arynie nak watpe ek??????
hurm dah bape lae x update blog nie......
rase cum nak delete pown ader gak......wat sakit hati je.......

anway,thanks to all my friends which always there for me...luv u all guy's!!!!! <3 <3